Wednesday, September 25thCrossFit AMRAPSep 24, 20191 min readSTRENGTH:Push Press4 x 6* Build to a heavy 6 repWOD: AMRAP in 18:0060 Double Unders45 Air Squats30/21 Calorie Row10 Push Jerks 135/95SWEATFEST:AMRAP in 18:005 Burpees10 Pull Ups15 Kettlebell Swings20 Double Unders/40 Single Unders
STRENGTH:Push Press4 x 6* Build to a heavy 6 repWOD: AMRAP in 18:0060 Double Unders45 Air Squats30/21 Calorie Row10 Push Jerks 135/95SWEATFEST:AMRAP in 18:005 Burpees10 Pull Ups15 Kettlebell Swings20 Double Unders/40 Single Unders