Split Jerk
3 Sets of 3 - Tall Jerk
3 Sets of 2 - Pausing Split Jerk
5 Sets of 1 - Split Jerk
Building to a heavy single for the day.
21 Front Squats, 21 KB Swings, 10 x 10m Sprints
15 Front Squats, 15 KB Swings, 10 x 10m Sprints
9 Front Squats, 9 KB Swings, 10 x 10m Sprints
Rx Barbell – 95/65
Rx Kettlebell – 55/35
AMRAP IN 20:00
15 Calorie Row
15 Double DB Deadlifts
15 Double DB Hang Power (same weight as Deadlift)
15 Seated DB Strict Press
