All classes will perform “12 Days Of Christmas”
1 Toes - 2 - Bar/Knee Raise
2 Chest - 2 - Bar Pull Ups
3 Push Ups
4 Box Jump Overs/ Step Up & Over
5 Medball Cleans 20/14
6 KBS 55/35
7 Goblet Squats 55/35
8 Abmat Sit Ups
9 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 115/85
11 Thrusters 115/85
12 Row 1200m
*The order of operation will goes as follows…
1 T2B
2 C2B Pull Ups
1 T2B
3 Push Ups
2 C2B Pull Ups
1 T2B
4 Box Jump Overs
3 Push Ups
2 C2B Pull Ups
1 T2B…..
Until the last round which counts down 12-11-10…..3-2-1