3 Sets:
Max Strict Handstand Push-ups/Seated Floor Press/Pike Push Up
20m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
Max Strict Handstand Push-ups/Seated Floor Press/Pike Push Up
Rest 2:00
5 Rounds
3 Pull ups
6 Toes to Bar
9 DB Deadlifts 50’s/35’s
12 x 10m Sprints
4 Rounds:
1:00 - Toes to Bar/Knee Raises/Plank Hold
1:00 - DB Power Snatches
1:00 - Thrusters
1:00 - Calorie Row
2:00 - Rest
CrossFit For Sport (Teens)
Open WOD 20.4
For time:
30 box jumps/step ups
15 clean and jerks
30 box jumps/step ups
15 clean and jerks
30 box jumps/step ups
10 clean and jerks
30 Med Ball Step Ups
10 clean and jerks
30 Med Ball Step Ups
5 clean and jerks
30 Med Ball Step Ups
5 clean and jerks