Register For Class:
As a friendly reminder classes will be limited to 15 athletes per class. You must register for class to attend. _________ DELOAD WEEK
The work here won’t always be sexy. It won't always be someone's preferred movement or WOD for the day. And it definitely won’t be easy. Our focus currently is capacity building. Prior to "Shelter In Place", we focused on building a strong base through heavier percentage lifting, on both Olympic and traditional lifts. We have shifted gears now. Our aim now is to get our strength back and turn that strength into usable capacity in all facets of our sport, lifestyle, and training – from the 1RM attempt, to barbell cycling, to approaching rounds of 21 thrusters at a moderate load. Trust the process. Stay Humble. Stay Hungry. __________ CROSSFIT WOD: For Time: 1 Mile Run 10 Rounds of "Bergeron Beep Test" 1 Round of "Bergeron Beep Test": 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pull-ups 7 Burpees GOAL: 17:00 - 35:00 __________ SWEATFEST :45/:15 for 4 Rounds (20:00 total) SDHP with KB Plank (any variation) Slam Balls Hand Release Push Ups Jump Rope _________ DO MORE. BE MORE. GIVE MORE. LIVE MORE.
