The 11th Annual REINDEER GAMES
Over the next 5 days, we will be putting our training to the test. We will be performing two workouts every class. Every athlete will have a judge to keep the score of their work and after each workout, the athlete and judge will switch roles. An athlete's score will not count if there is not a judge present to verify the athlete's movement standard and score.
For each workout, you have the opportunity to gain points for your team. Your team is the class in which you decide where your points will go. This is based on which class you typically work out in on a regular basis. If you workout in several different classes regularly you may pick only 1 team for your points to count toward all week. Once an athlete picks a team they may not switch at any time.
You will need to decide if you will perform the work out as "RX" or "Scaled." You may switch between these two options every workout. However, you will weaken your chances of being the overall winner for your age group in the RX or Scaled division.
You may work out at whatever time you are able to get to class. This does not count against you and your points will still go to the team with which you are affiliated with. As an example, if Javier's on Team Nooner but he works out at 7:30 pm his points will still count for Noon class.
The divisions will be:
36 & Under
48+ (Masters)
If you are not able to make it to the gym on certain days you still have the ability to make up the workouts at any time throughout the week. All workouts must be complete by Friday, December 18th at 6:30 pm.
When an athlete makes up their workouts they must complete the 2 workouts for that day first and go in order from the days they missed. For example, Javier comes to the gym on Wednesday and wants to make up Monday and Tuesday's workouts. Javier will perform the 2 workouts for Wednesday first. Javier will then do Monday's workout second and Tuesday's workouts 3rd. Javier must do them in the same order the rest of the competition did them.
There will be an overall Team Winner and Individual Winner for each age division crowned at the end of the week.
You are able to gain points for yourself by the place in which you complete the workout.
You are able to gain points for your team if you are in the top 4 of your age division.