For time:
In Teams Of 2 - Split Reps However
“The Don”
66 Deadlifts, 110/75
66 Box Jumps 24/20
66 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
66 Knees to elbows
66 Sit-ups
66 Pull-ups
66 Thrusters 55/45
66 Wall balls 20/14
66 Burpees
66 Double Unders
In 20:00, AMrAP...
100m Sprint
20 Ring Rows/Pull Ups
30 Double KB Deadlifts
40 (Bar) Push Press
50 Air Squats
100 Double Unders/200 Singles
50 Air Squats
40 (Bar) Push Press
30 KB Deadlifts… etc.